Take charge of your health through education. Discover my latest information on medicine and health research through precision supplementation, hormone regulation, sleep, nutrition, gut health, and more.

The Ozempic Era: The Promise, The Risks & The Long Game
GLP1 and rebound weight gain

Melatonin Dependency Dilemma: Exploring Evidence, Safety and Misconceptions
Melatonin synthesis pathway

Tools to Optimize Sleep Quality

Biomarkers 101 ApoB
ApoB as a risk factor for heart disease

The Microbiome: Demanding a seat at the metabolic table

Not All Proteins are Created Equal

Alzheimer's: Lost Delivery

The Many Faces Of Testosterone

Alzheimer's Genes: Know Your Risk

Male Menopause: The (normal?) Decline in Testosterone

Biomarkers 101 Insulin
Insulin is essential to the body but causes issues at high levels. Learn what to do to control your insulin level.